We're located at 2216 Stonehill Rd. Jefferson City, MO
Rates & Tuition Charges
Junior Preschool: $275.00 per week (2-3 years) Potty Training
Pre-Kinder /Preschool Program: $250.00 per week (4-5 years)
(Must be fully potty trained to be in Pre-Kinder/Preschool AND meet the age requirements for Kindergarten)
Part-Time or Full Day: $60.00 per day (5 hours or more per day)
Full day for School Age/Summer School: $200.00 per week
Supply and maintenance fee: $100.00 per year ($200.00 cap per family)
Billed January 1st of each year (pro-rated to the month enrolling) NON-REFUNDABLE
Possible activities requiring additional small fees throughout the school year (ie. gymnastics, computer training, music lesson, etc.) Parents will always receive information before the fees are assessed; participation is always optional.
An additional $15.00 surcharge will be applied each week if your child is the only child at any particular school or requires special services.
AIL currently has routes to:
Cedar Hill (Additional routes may be considered, please speak to management)
A $10.00 late will be added each day the payment is late i.e.:
Monday: additional $10.00
Tuesday: additional $20.00
Wednesday: additional $30.00
Thursday: additional $40.00
Friday: additional $50.00
If payment with the late fee is not made by the following Friday, the family will be disallowed from the program until all fees are current. If you withdraw from the program, fees will continue to accrue to hold your family's spot, and the required 30-day notice will be required.
Overtime Rates: $1.00 per minute late (due to AIL at the time of pick up)
Late Payments: $10.00 per day late with a maximum of $100.00 late penalty per month
Return Payment/Insufficient Funds Fee: $30.00 (Declined Credit Card or return ACH) after 3 returns, the family may be disallowed from the program
Registration Fee: $50.00 per family
Deposit: One week of tuition per child enrolled. This deposit is only refundable to families that have not received discounts through AIL and that have given a one-month notice once their child is already attending and paying in our program.
The deposit will be applied to your last week of care only if a one-month notice (AIL bills and budgets every month) is given and only to families that do not receive any in-house or family discounts. All costs must also be up to date. If you participate in the FSD Childcare Program, your deposit will be applied to your account until all fees are paid by FSD. The program pays our organization up to 45 days in arrears. Once all accounts are cleared and at a zero balance and all the above is met, if any refund is owed, it will be mailed to the address we have on file.
If AIL is providing your family a discount on a weekly basis, one child's deposit will be used to help us recuperate from said discounts and the other deposit/s will be applied to your child's last week of care. Please know that AIL will attempt any and all collection requirements when an account is left with a balance.
If your family places a deposit to hold a future spot in our program. That deposit is ONLY refunded if you have already started attending and paying for our program and have given the required 30-day notice or AIL has withdrawn the spot due to unforeseen circumstances. Please understand that if we hold a spot for your family and you choose to not take the spot we have guaranteed for your family, we have passed up other potential families for you.
**AIL reserves the right to discharge a family at any time, for any reason.
The deposit and registration fee will be non-refundable.
**Weekly and Daily rates are due regardless if your children are at the center all week or on their scheduled days.
**Tuition increases will happen each year. The increase will be determined by the cost of living, expansion, salary, etc.
Forms of Payment Accepted: TUITION EXPRESS ONLY
Credit/Debit (3 percent fee added to your weekly charge) or Auto Withdraw (checking account withdrawal)
Distance Learning
Summer Program
Five to Thirteen Years: $150.00 (Must have completed Kindergarten)
During our Summer Program, all children are responsible for bringing a sack lunch, a bottle of water, and a positive attitude daily. We will provide a breakfast snack and an afternoon snack each day.
$50.00 registration fee is due upon enrollment. This will help cover enrollment and field trips.
If you are enrolling a child in our summer program, please ask the Director for our Summer Program Packet.
During our Summer Months (June 1st to August 31st) AIL will continue to do review and routine but will not follow a curriculum as this is our Summer School.
All full-time & full day part-time children will be given morning breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack.
All before/after school children will be given a breakfast snack and afternoon snack.
Monthly Menus will be available for review upon request.
Parents must inform AIL of ALL food allergies on the child information form.
All meals provided will be healthy and nutritious. We try to emphasize our choices on whole foods, fresh fruits and vegetables.
Each month we will celebrate the children’s birthday with a party. Parents are encouraged to attend the party for their child. Parties will be scheduled the third Thursday of each month.
Cupcakes or cookies will be provided for the children, please DO NOT bring food treats in on your child’s birthday. You may bring nonfood treat bags to send home with the classmates but food will only be allowed on the planned third Thursday birthday party. Parents may bring in a prepackaged snack if they would like, on the aforementioned day for the party.
Please refer to the calendar and holiday list for events within our facilities.
Each child is required to have a parent or primary person to pick up on a daily basis. The responsible party will need to log their child in and out to ensure the safety of each child at the center.
The center will need written consent from a primary caregiver before anyone else will be able to pick up the child. Please remind alternative pick-ups that we will require a photo ID before releasing any child.
All children are required to have an extra change of clean clothes in their cubby daily. If a child soils his/her clothing a new change of clothes will need to be brought in the following day. If the child does not have appropriate clothing in their cubby, parents will be contacted for pick up.
All parents are required to provide the items requested on the enclosed Supply List. If you are unable to provide something from the list, please see the director.
All parents are responsible for providing diapers, wipes, hygiene products, etc. **Note: All children in the potty training stage will need to have pull-ups provided (2 and up). Potty-training children may not transfer to panties/undies until they have been dry for one full week at school. Please discuss this with the Director prior to bringing your child in underwear.
There may be specific days the center will request parents to bring seasonal clothing such as boots, snowsuits, etc. Please let staff know when requests are unable to be met.
A pair of outside shoes, and during the winter season, gloves coat and hat are required to stay at the center. We go outside regardless of the weather. It is important for children to experience all elements of our climate according to our licensing and accreditation team. If it is colder than 38 degrees or warmer than 92 degrees the amount of time we spend outside will be limited.
Our school is a shoeless facility. We strive to keep the amount of germs and dirt in our building to a minimum. This means that our children must wear slippers brought from a pet-free home while in school. Unfortunately, the option of bare feet is not possible. Our Fire Marshall requires that all the children wear slippers inside at all times due to the possibility of fire, please bring in a pair of slippers for your child to keep at school.
If at any time the center would like to go on a field trip, a permission slip is required. Parents will be provided this information at least 7 days in advance.
*** PARENT REMINDER*** All items brought in must be labeled with the child's name on them.
What We
Responsibilities for Parents/Caregivers
The Academy of Innovative Learners is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. with the exception of scheduled holidays/vacation days and in the instance of inclement weather. Our facility has a ten-hour rule: Your child may be in our facility for no more than 10 hours per day unless you have made special arrangements with the Director.
**Our daily drop-off time closes at 9:15 a.m. each morning. This is to ensure that the disruption during our morning lesson time is kept to a minimum. If you need to drop off after 9:15 a.m. due to an appt. etc., you will need to let the director know in advance.
**Please note AIL locks the doors at 5:30 p.m.; please have your child picked up and out the door before this time. If you are here after 5:30 p.m. and a staff member or management must stay late to accommodate you, you are required to give that AIL employee the $10.00 late fee at that time.
Staff and management have other responsibilities outside of AIL. Please be mindful of that when scheduling your pick-ups.
*Please note that if you need to make additional time arrangements for your child, please discuss them with the Director and we will be happy to help you in any way we can.
All major Holidays we're closed:
Week of Christmas
Week of 4th of July
1 week in August (for back to school readiness)
1 week in the Spring (for Spring clean-up)
Upon arrival, please remove your shoes and your child's shoes in the vestibule. Please make sure your shoes are out of the path of other families and bring your child's shoes inside to place in their cubby. Your temperature will be checked at the door at drop-off. Any temperature above 99.5 will not be allowed to stay in the program. After temperatures, shoes may be put away and both the parent and child will need to wash their hands. After handwashing, the child may be dropped off in class. At pick-up temperatures will not be taken but handwashing must still happen before anyone goes to any classroom. Please log your child in the reception area for FSD/DFS families only.
Upon pick up, please go through your child's file and take any daily reports, reminder information, and crafts each night. You must log your child out (DFS ONLY) and be prepared to show identification if you cannot be identified by the staff member in the lobby. Only designated parents/guardians are allowed to pick up children from the center. If there are any signs of intoxication or the inability to safely transport the children from the center, we are by law required to retain the child until proper transportation arrives.
Arrival &
RSMo 210.109-210.183 is state legislation that was enacted for the purpose of mandating and encouraging the reporting of child abuse to proper authorities. It places duties on certain individuals to act when child abuse is suspected. The requirement is that when such an individual has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been or may be subjected to abuse or neglect, or observes a child being subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect, a report must be made to the Children's Division (formally known as Division of Family Services). If there is evidence of sexual abuse or sexual molestation of any child, the Children's Division must be notified within 24 hours.
Abuse is defined as failure to provide, by those responsible for the care, custody, and control of the child, the proper or necessary support, education as required by law, nutrition, medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the child's well-being.
Who Must Report:
Daycare center workers or other child care workers, among many other professional businesses.
How to Report:
Missouri Child Abuse & Neglect Hotline: 1-800-392-3738
Child Abuse
& Neglect
In the event of severe weather, when employees of The Academy of Innovative Learners cannot make it to work, the center will be closed. Information will be supplied to local channel KMIZ channel 17 of, KRCG and Mid Missouri Connect. When Lincoln University is closed AIL will open late at 10 am unless otherwise stated. Please continue the Parent Page for continued updated information (Please search AIL Parent/Staff Forum and request and invite to the group.
AIL follows the inclement Weather Policy of JC Public Schools.
Health &
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should your child be brought to The Academy of Innovative Learners if they have any one or combination of the following:
Fever of 99.5 Degrees or higher
Any contagious/communicable disease
Congestion or mucus
Cold or cough
Strep/Severe Sore Throat
Head Lice
Chicken Pox
Rash of unknown origin
Your child must be free of any and all symptoms for at least a full 24 to 48 hours before being brought back to the center without the help of medications.
If your child is ill or becomes ill with one of the above mentioned symptoms at the center, the child will be quarantined and the parents will be notified.
The parent or responsible party must pick up the child within 30 minutes of notification. The child may not return to the center until he/she is free of ALL symptoms for a full 48 to 72 hours without the help of medications. If your physician says it is ok to return to school. A letter will need to be provided that your child is not contagious and may return to daycare.
If your child is prescribed antibiotics, they must be on the antibiotic for a full 48 hours or if advised by a physician that the child must be on antibiotic for x amount of days until no longer contagious.
Our facility will only administer medications that must be taken more than three times per day, which CAN NOT be given at home. All prescribed medications must be brought to the center in original bottling with original dispensing information on it. All prescribed medications must have the name of the child that the medication is intended to be given to.
Any child that has lice or is suspected to have lice cannot attend the center for up to 72 hours after they have been treated with lice shampoo and all nits are gone.
All children must be in clean clothing and hygienic each morning when attending the center. Please be advised that we do have free play and fun activities, so be prepared for your children to occasionally come home messy. We will try our best to keep them as clean as possible.
All children attending the center must have all the state required immunizations and provide proof of such immunizations to the Director before starting the center. If you choose not to immunize your child, please bring a No Immunize Form, which you can obtain at the local Health Department.
We are advocating the health of each child that comes to our center and we have put this health policy in place for that purpose. We expect our parents to follow our policies. If any parent or responsible person violates the health policy, a written warning will be issued. Upon the second violation, the parents will be asked to take the child to another facility.
We also understand that you may not be aware your child is sick and did not intentionally bring your child to the center sick. Please note these policies are set in place for any parents that may try to push the envelope.
There are three reasons to keep sick children at home:
The child does not feel well enough to participate comfortably in usual activities (including but not limited to extreme fatigue, extreme irritability, persistent crying)
The child requires more care than the program staff can provide without effecting the health and safety of the other children in attendance.
The illness is on the list of symptoms or illness for which exclusion is required.
When a child returns to care with a Doctor Note
The note must state what the child has been diagnosed with XYZ and that the child is “Not Contagious” or “Past the stage of being contagious” and may return to care on XYZ day. No other note will be accepted.
In the unlikely event that the center must be closed due to an outbreak or illness, backup care will need to be available.
AIL Illness and ExclusionPolicy
When to keep your child at home and when your child
can return to care.
Able to attend?
Need a doctor's note?
Fever over 99.5
Must be fever free w/out the help of medication for a full 48-72 hours or receive a medical diagnosis.
Doctor note is needed if not out for a full 72 hours fever fever-free and other symptoms arise.
Persistent cough
Medical attention/diagnosis is required and doctor's note is needed unless an allergy plan is on file.
Cold symtoms (cough, runny nose, etc.)
A medical diagnosis is required and a doctor's note is needed unless an allergy plan is on file.
Allergy symptoms
ONLY if a specialized Care Plan is on file.
If other illnesses caused the allergy (like symptoms going around in the school) then yes, a doctors note is needed.
Rash of unknown orgin
Medical diagnosis is required and doctor note is needed.
Medical diagnosis is required and doctor note is needed.
Diarrhea (loose, watery, or foul smelling stools)
Medical diagnosis is required and doctor note is needed.
Strep Throat
Medical diagnosis is required, the child must be on a prescribed antibiotic for a full 24-48 hours before returning and doctor note is needed.
Head Lice
All nits and live bugs must be gone, child must be out for 48-72 hours. Head checks will be performed for up to 2 to 4 weeks after last nit was found. Doctor note is not needed.
Must be on medical treatment for a full 24-48 hours and have areas of treatment fully covered when returning. Doctor note is not needed.
Yeast Infection (including Thrush and Diaper Rash caused by a yeast infection)
Must be on medical treatment for 24-48 hours and may attend after (if able) to participate in childcare activities.
Must be on an oral suspension for 24-48 hours before returning. Doctor note is not needed.
Must be on an oral suspension for 24-48 hours before returning. Doctor note is not needed.
Must be on medical treatment for 24-48 hours and have areas fully covered when returning. Doctor note is needed.
Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye
Must be on medical treatment for a full 48-72 hours. Doctor note is needed.
Chicken Pox
Until blisters have dried and crusted, usually 6-12 days. Doctor note is needed.
Fifths Disease
ONLY after fever free for a full 72 hours and rash has appeared. NO LONGER contagious once rash appears. Doctor note is needed.
Roseola (6th Disease)
Must be fever free for a full 72 hours. Doctors note is needed.
Must be fever free for a full 72 hours (Croup is generally considered contagious for up to 3 days or until fever is gone). Doctor note is needed.
Must be out of the program for a full 7-10 days and may only return with diagnosis and note from doctor after that time frame *Sibling must quarantine or be out also. Doctor note is needed.
Hand, Foot & Mouth
Must be out of the program until ALL blisters have dried up, disappeared, or crusted over. Typically, 7-
10 days and fever free for 72 hours. May only return with doctor note after the above has happened *Sibling must quarantine or be out also. Doctor note is needed.
General Virus
Must be fever and symptom-free for a full 48-72 hours without the help of medication. A doctor's note is needed.
Ear Infection
Must be fever free and on antibiotics for a full 24 to 48 hours. Doctor note is needed.
Must receive medical treatment and be fever free for a full 72 hours without the help of medications before returning. Doctor note is not needed.
Must receive medical treatment and be fever free for a full 72 hours without the help of medications before returning. Doctor note is not needed.
Gastroenteritis-Stomach Flu
Must receive medical diagnosis or be free of all symptoms for a full 72 hours before returning without the help of medications. Doctor note is not needed.
Must receive medical diagnosis, be free of all symptoms and fever free for a full 72 hours before returning. Doctor note is needed.
Whooping Cough
Must have a medical diagnosis and be out for 6 days to 3 weeks or until all symptoms are completely gone.
A doctor's note is needed.
Covid-19 protocols require all sick family members to be out of the facility when any family member is sick with an undiagnosed illness.
If anyone in your household is sick or must take a Covid test, child/ren may not return to care until the results are received and negative. If the results are positive all family members will be disallowed from the program for 5-7 days and a negative Covid test is required to return.
Discipline &
We strive to provide the best possible care to all of the children enrolled in our program. Unfortunately, negative behavior does occur. To be fair to all of the children and families of our facility, we are implementing a three-strike policy. If your child purposely hits, bites, or behaves in an inappropriate manner more than three times in one day, the child’s parent will be contacted. We will redirect the child and encourage good behavior but to protect the other children enrolled these measures must be taken.
Sign In
It is a requirement through the Missouri State Licensing Division that each and every child is signed in and out every day that they are in our care. After three failed attempts to sign in or out, please contact a member of management to be reregistered. If you are not signing in and out properly, we will be forced to charge a $1 penalty per day.
FSD, Foster & Adoptive Families, please be aware that you need to sign your child in and out each day, initial each, and sign your FSD form at the end of each month or you are responsible for payments to The Academy of Innovative Learners
Each parent is required to complete the forms packet prior to their children attending the center. The following forms must be fully completed and remitted with the requested documentation:
Enrollment Form
Policy Contract Agreement
Field Trip Consent
Emergency Contract Form
Topical Application
Tuition Express Forms
Parents Health Statement
Specialized Instructions for Infants
Medical Exam Report
Immunization Records
Food Program Form
Authorized Pick-up
Photo Release
Emergency Release